When one is in love, one does many silly things. Things that sometimes make no sense at all to others. Things that usually ain't within one's will.
This happened once to a guy i knew, Wi. He was the kind of guy that had a personality that many would take advantage of, especially towards those he was fond of. He would always try his best to let them be happy, to have them smile carefreely. Many knew of this, and most took it for granted. But Wi didn't mind. To him, it doesn't matter. As long as he could bring a smile to their face or a laughter to their day, he was contented. No doubt that he often dreams of a perfect ending, but he was contented even when he knew that there wouldn't be.
Things were a little different when it happened between Wi and Jeong. Jeong was a girl from Wi's childhood. They've known each other for years and were close friends since then. But they lost contact eventually. Years after their separation, somehow they managed to find each other again. Wi was delighted to have found Jeong just as Jeong was to have found back Wi. They started catching up with each others' life and became closer than before. Soon, Wi found that he had fallen for Jeong. He would be so delighted just to hear Jeong's voice or even receiving Jeong's sms. Everyday since then, Wi's life was revolved around Jeong. Jeong's every smile and frown affected Wi's mood. It wasn't something that Wi could control, it just happens.
Jeong soon came to know about Wi's liking for her, but what Jeong wanted was different. All she wants is to be Wi's friend. So she decided to let Wi know of her intentions. When Wi gotten to know this, he was disappointed. But to Wi, it doesn't really matter what the outcome will be, he just wants to treat her good. To see her happy. It was all that matters, anything more would be a privilege. Jeong knew how he was like, but Jeong didn't want him to be this nice. At least, not to her. She'll always be telling Wi not to be so nice to her. "Be nice, but you don't have to go that extra mile," she'll say. To her, it is not worth to do extra things for her or be extra nice to her. But what Jeong doesn't know, to Wi, it is the least he can do for Jeong, to make her happy. He wants to do it because he knows, he will be happy when Jeong is. To Wi, Jeong's every smile brings a new beat to Wi's heart and her every laughter, brings new air to his lungs. That is how much Jeong is to Wi.
I asked Wi, "is this all worth it?" And I think he gave the most beautiful reply.
"In love, everything is worth."